

Multiple Explosions

Multiple emojiBlasts using setTimeout to cancel the explosions after 5 seconds.

const { cancel } = emojiBlasts(); setTimeout(cancel, 5000);

Singular Explosion

A singular explosion.


Lots of Emojis

emojiBlast with a random number of emojis per blast between 100-200.

emojiBlast({ emojiCount: () => Math.random() * 100 + 100, });

Always Blue

emojiBlast with only blue emojis.

emojiBlast({ emojis: ["πŸ₯Ά", "πŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈ", "πŸ‘•", "🧡", "πŸ‘”", "πŸ‘–", "πŸ₯Ώ", "🧒", "πŸ¦‹", "πŸ¦•", "🐟", "🐬", "🐳", "πŸ‹", "🌎", "πŸ’§", "πŸ’¦", "🌊", "🫐", "🧊", "πŸ₯£", "πŸ₯", "πŸ₯", "πŸ›", "🎽", "🎣", "πŸš™", "🚎", "⛴️", "πŸ—ΊοΈ", "🌌", "πŸ—Ύ", "πŸ’Ž", "🧿", "πŸͺ¬", "🩻", "πŸ›‹οΈ", "πŸ“ͺ", "πŸ“˜", "πŸ–ŒοΈ", "πŸ’™", "πŸ’ ", "Ⓜ️", "πŸŒ€", "πŸ’€", "πŸ›‚", "🌐", "πŸ”΅", "πŸ”Ή", "πŸ”·", "🟦"], });

Only One

emojiBlast with only one type of emoji per explosion.

emojiBlast({ uniqueness: 1, });

Set Position

emojiBlast that only happens at a set position on the page

// using the explosion container to base the initial explosion positions around const containerWidth = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetWidth; const containerHeight = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetHeight; emojiBlast({ position: { x: containerWidth / 2, y: containerHeight / 2, }, });

Title Explosion

emojiBlast that only happens on the element with an id of 'title' (which is the title of the site).

const element = document.getElementById("title"); let cumulativeOffset = function(element) { var top = 0, left = 0; do { top += element.offsetTop || 0; left += element.offsetLeft || 0; element = element.offsetParent; } while(element); return { top: top, left: left }; }; emojiBlast({ position() { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1480133 const offset = cumulativeOffset(element); return { x: offset.left + element.clientWidth / 2, y: offset.top + element.clientHeight / 2, }; }, });


emojiBlast with extra large emojis.

emojiBlast({ physics: { fontSize: { max: 54, min: 24, }, }, });

Inverse Gravity

emojiBlast with inverted gravity.

emojiBlast({ physics: { gravity: -0.35, initialVelocities: { y: {min: 11.7, max: 14}, }, }, });


emojiBlast with very quickly spinning spiral emojis.

emojiBlast({ emojis: ["πŸŒ€"], physics: { fontSize: {min: 20, max: 38}, gravity: 0.1, initialVelocities: { rotation: {min: -14, max: -14}, }, rotationDeceleration: 1.01, } });

Tour de France

emojiBlast with three biker emojis racing across the page. Only the x value for the initialVelocity property is set.

// using the explosion container to base the initial explosion positions around const containerWidth = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetWidth; const containerHeight = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetHeight; emojiBlast({ emojis: ["πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ", "🚴", "πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ"], emojiCount: 3, position: { x: containerWidth, y: Math.floor(containerHeight / 2) + 100, }, physics: { fontSize: 68, gravity: 0, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: {min: -20, max: -35}, y: 0, }, rotation: 0, rotationDeceleration: 0, } });

Everything Everywhere all at Once (for 3 seconds)

emojiBlasts occurring randomly across the page every 40 milliseconds for 3 seconds.

const { cancel } = emojiBlasts({ interval: 40 }); setTimeout(cancel, 3000);


A singular rocket shoots out from a set spot on the page at an angle, followed by a burst of clouds and sparkles. Each set of emojis uses it's own emojiBlast function. The sparkle function is set to occur 400 milliseconds after the rocket and clouds go off.

// finding the height of the explosion container to base y position of the blast around const containerHeight = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetHeight; const blastYPos = containerHeight - 10; // function for the rocket const rocket = () => { emojiBlast({ emojis: ["πŸš€"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 150, y: blastYPos, }, physics: { rotationDeceleration: 0, fontSize: 45, gravity: 0, initialVelocities: { x: 12, y: -10 }, rotation: 0, } }); }; // function for the clouds const clouds = () => { emojiBlast({ emojis: ["☁️"], emojiCount: 10, position: { x: 150, y: blastYPos, }, physics: { rotationDeceleration: 0, fontSize: {min: 38, max: 50}, gravity: 0.1, initialVelocities: { x: {min: -7, max: 7}, y: {min: -5, max: -2} }, rotation: 0, } }); }; // function for the sparkles const sparkles = () => { emojiBlast({ emojis: ["✨"], emojiCount: 10, position: { x: 200, y: blastYPos - 60, }, physics: { fontSize: {min: 10, max: 30}, gravity: 0.2, initialVelocities: { x: {min: -15, max: 20}, y: {min: -15, max: 20} }, } }); }; rocket(); clouds(); // set sparkles to go off 400 milliseconds after the rocket & clouds setTimeout(sparkles, 400);

Heart on Fire

An outline of a heart made up of emojis appears on the page. The heart is formed by iterating through a 2d array of x, y coordinates and creating an explosion containing a singular heart emoji using each coordinate.

// 2d array of [x, y] coordinates to form an outline of a heart const heartCoords = [ [500, 600], // bottom point [500, 410], // center point // left line (y = x + 100) [350, 450], [375, 475], [400, 500], [425, 525], [450, 550], [475, 575], // right line (y = -x + 1100) [650, 450], [623, 477], [600, 500], [550, 550], [574, 526], [526, 574], // left curve [340, 410], [340, 430], [350, 385], [370, 365], [400, 350], [430, 355], [460, 370], [480, 385], // right curve [520, 385], [540, 370], [570, 355], [600, 350], [630, 365], [650, 385], [660, 410], [660, 430], ]; // created random x & y values to set an initial velocity for all of the explosions const randXVelocity = (Math.random() * 15) * (Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1); const randYVelocity = (Math.random() * -15) - 3; // created x & y starting coordinates to add to our heart coords to randomize where the heart occurs on the page const randStartXCoord = Math.random() * 350 * (Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1); const randStartYCoord = Math.random() * 350 * (Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1); // iterating through the heartCoords to set off a singular explosion for each coordinate for (let i = 0; i < heartCoords.length; i++) { const xCoordinate = heartCoords[i][0]; const yCoordinate = heartCoords[i][1]; emojiBlast({ emojis: ["❀️‍πŸ”₯"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: xCoordinate + randStartXCoord, y: yCoordinate + randStartYCoord, }, physics: { rotationDeceleration: 0, fontSize: 35, gravity: 0.15, initialVelocities: { x: randXVelocity, y: randYVelocity }, rotation: 0, } }); } });


emojiBlasts occurring from set points at the top of the page for 5 seconds emulating a rainstorm.

const containerWidth = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetWidth; // using a loop to set explosions to occur at steps of 25 between 0 & the explosion container width across the x axis for (let i = 0; i < containerWidth; i += 25) { // define a random gravity for each of the raindrop explosions const randGravity = (Math.random() * 0.30) + 0.10 const { cancel } = emojiBlasts({ emojis: ["πŸ’§"], emojiCount: 1, position: { // using our step value as our starting x position x: i, y: 100, }, physics: { rotationDeceleration: 0, fontSize: {min: 18, max: 30}, gravity: randGravity, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, rotation: 0, }, // setting a random interval between 100 & 1000 for the explosion in each emojiBlasts to occur interval() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 100 } }); // cancel the explosions after 5 seconds setTimeout(cancel, 5000); };


A rainbow made up of hearts and clouds explodes as an arc across the page. The rainbow is made of columns, where each emoji within the column is a singular emojiBlast.

// finding midpoint of the explosion container for our starting y value position const containerHeight = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetHeight; const containerMidPoint = Math.floor(containerHeight / 2); // function to create each heart column of the rainbow const rainbowCol = () => { const rainbowArr = ["❀️", "🧑", "πŸ’›", "πŸ’š", "πŸ’™", "πŸ’œ"]; const positionY = containerMidPoint; // creates an explosion for each heart color in the column, increasing the y coordinate position for each blast for (let i = 0; i < rainbowArr.length; i++) { emojiBlast({ emojis: [rainbowArr[i]], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 0, y: positionY, }, physics: { fontSize: 35, gravity: 0.08, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: 20, y: -20 }, rotation: 0, } }); positionY += 30; } }; // function to create cloud columns const clouds = () => { let positionY = containerMidPoint; // creates an explosion for each cloud in the column, increasing the y coordinate position for each blast for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { emojiBlast({ emojis: ["☁️"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 0, y: positionY, }, physics: { fontSize: 65, gravity: 0.08, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: 20, y: -20 }, rotation: 0, } }); positionY += 30; } }; // create one column of clouds before the rainbow clouds(); // set off rainbow columns at intervals of 80 milliseconds for 3 seconds to create the rainbow let intervalId = setInterval(rainbowCol, 80); setTimeout(() => clearInterval(intervalId), 3000); // create one column of clouds after the rainbow setTimeout(clouds, 3000);

Shooting Stars

Stars shoot across the page with trails of sparkles. An emojiBlast is used for each individual emoji and set off in intervals.

// function for the star const star = (yPos) => { emojiBlast({ emojis: ["⭐️"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 0, y: yPos, }, physics: { fontSize: {min: 20, max: 32}, gravity: 0.05, initialVelocities: { x: 45, y: -10 }, } }); }; // function for the trailing sparkles const sparkles = (yPos, size) => { emojiBlast({ emojis: ["✨"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 0, y: yPos, }, physics: { fontSize: size, gravity: 0.05, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: 45, y: -10 }, } }); }; // finding height of the explosion container to base our random y value positions off of const containerHeight = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetHeight; // function for a singular shooting star const shootingStar = () => { let randYPos = (Math.random() * containerHeight) + 100; let emojiSize = 18; star(randYPos); // set off sparkle explosions at intervals of 60 milliseconds for 400 milliseconds to create the sparkle trail let intervalId = setInterval(() => { sparkles(randYPos, emojiSize); // decreasing the size of the trailing sparkle emoji by 3 for each explosion emojiSize -= 3; }, 60); setTimeout(() => clearInterval(intervalId), 400); } // set off a shooting star at intervals of 60 milliseconds for 2 seconds let intervalId = setInterval(shootingStar, 60); setTimeout(() => clearInterval(intervalId), 2000);


A firework of emojiBlasts comprised of a singular random emoji is set off at a random position on the page.

// finding the explosion container width and height to base our starting coordinates off of const containerWidth = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetWidth; const containerHeight = document.getElementById("explosion-container")!.offsetHeight; // created x & y starting coordinates to randomize where the firework occurs on the page const randStartXCoord = Math.random() * containerWidth; const randStartYCoord = Math.random() * containerHeight; // function for the initial sparkles in the firework const sparkles = () => { // a 2d array of initial velocity [x, y] coordinates to pass into each sparkle explosion const velocityCoords = [ [0, -15], [0, 15], [-15, 0], [15, 0], [10, 10], [-10, -10], [10, -10], [-10, 10] ]; // set off a sparkle explosion for each of the differing initial velocity coordinates for (let i = 0; i < velocityCoords.length; i++) { emojiBlast({ className: "sparkles", emojis: ["✨"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: randStartXCoord, y: randStartYCoord, }, physics: { rotationDeceleration: 0, fontSize: 20, gravity: 0, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: velocityCoords[i][0], y: velocityCoords[i][1] }, rotation: 0, } }) } }; // function for blast parts of the firework const blast = () => { // choose a random emoji from imported defaultEmojis to set as the emoji for all blasts const randEmoji = defaultEmojis[Math.floor(Math.random() * defaultEmojis.length)]; // a 2d array of [x, y] coordinates to add to the random starting coordinates to set the position for each blast const coordDiff = [ [0, -150], [0, 150], [-150, 0], [150, 0], [106, 106], [-106, -106], [106, -106], [-106, 106] ]; // set off a blast at each coordinate calculated using the coordDiff array for (let i = 0; i < coordDiff.length; i++) { emojiBlast({ emojis: [randEmoji], uniqueness: 1, position: { x: randStartXCoord + coordDiff[i][0], y: randStartYCoord + coordDiff[i][1], }, physics: { gravity: 0.2, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: {min: -10, max: 10}, y: {min: -15, max: 15} }, } }) } }; // remove the sparkles from the page after the blasts go off // https://stackoverflow.com/a/14066534 const removeSparkles = () => { const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("sparkles"); while(elements.length > 0){ elements[0].parentNode.removeChild(elements[0]); } }; sparkles(); // remove the sparkles and set off the blasts 630 milliseconds after the sparkles go off setTimeout(removeSparkles, 630); setTimeout(blast, 630);


A UFO appears on the page and briefly stops to abduct up a lone cow. The example consists of three stages defined by time, each with their own set of emojiBlasts. The first stage consists of the UFO flying onto the page, the second consists of the UFO stopping to abduct the cow, and the third consists of the UFO flying off the page. **this example looks best on a computer

// finding the midpoint of the height of the explosion container to base the y positions of the emojiBlasts around const midContainerHeight = (document.getElementById("explosion-container").offsetHeight) / 2; // function for the ufo const ufo = (pos, vel, className) => { emojiBlast({ className: className, emojis: ["πŸ›Έ"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: pos[0], y: pos[1], }, physics: { fontSize: 75, gravity: 0, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: vel[0], y: vel[1] }, rotation: 20, } }) }; // function for the cow const cow = (velY, className) => { emojiBlast({ className: className, emojis: ["πŸ„"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 480, y: midContainerHeight + 100, }, physics: { fontSize: 35, gravity: 0, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: 0, y: velY }, rotation: 0, } }) }; // function for the vortex const vortex = () => { emojiBlast({ className: "mid", // setting the className to mid as the vortex only occurs in the "mid" stage emojis: ["πŸŒͺ️"], emojiCount: 1, position: { x: 535, y: midContainerHeight + 70, }, physics: { fontSize: 120, gravity: 0, initialVelocities: { rotation: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, rotation: 180, } }) }; // the stages of the example set as classnames to pass to the emojis const classNames = [ "start", "mid", "end", ]; // starting positions as [x, y] coordinates for the ufo at each stage const ufoPos = [ [0, midContainerHeight - 200], // start stage [500, midContainerHeight], // mid stage & end stage ]; // initial velocities as [x, y] for the ufo at each stage const ufoVel = [ [15, 6], // start stage [0, 0], // mid stage [15, -6], // end stage ]; // initial y value velocities for the cow at each stage const cowYVel = [ 0, // start stage -3, // mid stage ]; // function to remove emojis with a specified className from the page // https://stackoverflow.com/a/14066534 const removeEmoji = (className) => { const elements = document.getElementsByClassName(className); while(elements.length > 0){ elements[0].parentNode.removeChild(elements[0]); } }; // set off starting explosions for ufo and cow ufo(ufoPos[0], ufoVel[0], classNames[0]); cow(cowYVel[0], classNames[0]); // set off mid explosions for ufo, cow & vortex after 2 seconds setTimeout(vortex, 2000); setTimeout(() => {cow(cowYVel[1], classNames[1])}, 2000); setTimeout(() => {ufo(ufoPos[1], ufoVel[1], classNames[1])}, 2000); // remove starting explosion emojis after 2 seconds setTimeout(() => {removeEmoji(classNames[0])}, 2000); // remove mid explosion emojis after 4350 milliseconds setTimeout(() => {removeEmoji(classNames[1])}, 4350); // set off last explosion for ufo after 4350 milliseconds setTimeout(() => {ufo(ufoPos[1], ufoVel[2], classNames[2])}, 4350);